STS0017: Vigital Academy: Advancing the elegance and relevance of ancient African design, today – Saki Mafundikwa

SHOW: School Teacher Speaks –

STS0017: Vigital Academy: Advancing the elegance and relevance of ancient African design, today – Saki Mafundikwa

In this podcast groundbreaking designer Dr Saki Mafundikwa speaks with Astehmari on his life story, his experience with ancient African Design and how that relates to broader ideas of global design, cultural integrity and the value of an African place of being in regard to design heritage. We explore the great potential of his groundbreaking educational organisation, Vigital Academy, as it transforms with the new era and continues to honour its duty as a unique custodian of African design principles.

ITC0018: Can creating oil paintings dispel anxiety and fear? A conversation with Cilff Hodson

SHOW: Inside the Chestnuts –

ITC0018: Can creating oil paintings dispel anxiety and fear? A conversation with Cilff Hodson

In this podcast oil painter Cliff Hodson speaks with Astehmari on his experience with oil painting and how that relates to health.

CDT0003: Reviews and Reflections on the Unifiedknowledge Approach to Education – Summary review of BOU Summer School 2017

SHOW: Collective Deep Trust –

CDT0002: Reviews and Reflections on the Unifiedknowledge Approach to Education – Summary review of BOU Summer School 2017 –  (

We have now completed our Black Open University – Summer School 2017.  Here is your chance to hear from many of the distinguished members of the learner-ship sharing and reasoning with Astehmari Batekun on the experiences and deep insights of the whole course.

This is essential listening for parents, teachers and community school builders, share in and enjoy the wonderful journey we have had this summer.  Get ready for the new learning opportunities coming this term and next.

Empowerment in action, power in principle, get involved now.


Find out more about the Black Open University – Summer School 2017:


Hear the Collective Deep Trust Show CDT0002: Parents and professionals – Re-thinking education from an African place of being – 1st day of Summer School testimonial


Find out more about the uLearn Naturally Learners’ Cooperative:


Other related useful links:


Link to this podcast:

CDT0002: Parents and professionals – Re-thinking education from an African place of being – 1st day of Summer School testimonial

SHOW: Collective Deep Trust –

Parents and professionals - Re-thinking education from an African place of being - 1st day of Summer School testimonial

CDT0002: Parents and professionals – Re-thinking education from an African place of being – 1st day of Summer School testimonial


We have now started our Black Open University – Summer School 2017.  Here is your chance to hear from one of the distinguished members of the learner-ship sharing and reasoning with Astehmari Batekun on the experiences and deep insights of this first day.

A profound reshaping of our space has taken place, watch it take form, or better still get involved and add your force to make it happen with even more perfect due brilliance.

Be empowered, be responsible.


Find out more about the Black Open University – Summer School 2017:


Find out more about the uLearn Naturally Learners’ Cooperative:


Other related useful links:


uLearn Naturally Radio