TC0007: Looking for The Answer to Racism and IMPLEMENTING The Solution

SHOW: The Context –

TC0007:  Looking for The Answer to Racism and Implementing The Solution (Part 2)

Another classic interview with CSI Peter and Astehmari Batekun (Principal of the BOU).

The title of the show says it all.

Let the Black Open University (BOU) ( team know if your want to support the CSI Training for the Neutralisation of Racism programme.

Did you hear?


Also, checkout this great video interview of CSI Peter on AILTV :

TC0006: Lead Poisoning ! – Something Sweet to Think About

SHOW: The Context –

TC0006: Lead Poisoning ! – Something Sweet to Think About.

Exploring where STEM intersects racism.

STEM, that’s science, technology, engineering and maths.

Learn more naturally, uLearn Naturally Radio

ITC0007: We need you – Join The Futurist YOUTH team – your voice is valued

SHOW: Inside the Chestnut –

ITC0007: We need you – Join The Futurist YOUTH team – your voice is valued

– (



We @TheFuturist_01 are now recruiting @FuturistYouth journalists (newbie or pro bloggers). We’ll train you up to be the best. Have no fear. #KeepingItReal

The Futurist 07930501777 #whatsap

YouthSafetySummit free tkts via #HaringeyYSS

TC0005: Creed Country Colour Culture – The Reith Lectures Reloaded and Reviewed on The Context – with Mw Onyeka and Dr Damian Spiteri

SHOW:  The Context –

TC0005: Creed Country Colour Culture – The Reith Lectures Reloaded and Reviewed on The Context – with Mw Onyeka and Dr Damian Spiteri

Tune into this very insightful review of The Reith Lectures by Prof Kwame Anthony Appiah:  Mistaken Identities.  In this uLearn Naturally Radio show Astehmari Batekun invites two distinguished authors to review the four part series of lectures going deeper into the issues than the original BBC broadcasts ever could; hear our full reasoning with Mw Onyeka and Dr Damian Spiteri.

(This show is based on the original Reith Lectures podcasts, they are here :

Religion? Spirituality?

Nation, the plebiscite?

Race, concentrations of melanin?

Patterns of growth, ways of being?

Is it all about race?  Is it all about power?

What would happen to you if you said to the headteacher of your child’s school “ If anything bad happens to my brown child I will have you killed !”  Prof Kwame Anthony Appiah grew up protected, now he is in position to speak with global authority on how human identity will (should?) develop in the future.

Tune in now, this is a timeless classic revealing many key insights behind The Context, this show is strictly for the truth seeker:

TC0005: Creed Country Colour Culture – The Reith Lectures Reloaded and Reviewed on The Context – with Mw Onyeka and Dr Damian Spiteri

TC0004: An Evening With Dr Angela Herbert MBE Fund Raising Event 07-07-17 (inc interview with Dr Neville Lawrence OBE & Birthday Celebrations)

SHOW:  The Context –

TC0004: An Evening With Dr Angela Herbert MBE Fund Raising Event 07-07-17 (inc interview with Dr Neville Lawrence OBE & Birthday Celebrations)

Raising funds for 4 organisations who defy statistics and support youth in the community towards achieving their dreams and their birthrights.

TC0004: An Evening With Dr Angela Herbert MBE Fund Raising Event 07-07-17 (inc interview with Dr Neville Lawrence OBE & Birthday Celebrations)


TC0003: Dr Damian Spiteri – The road to intercultural education – Book review

SHOW:  The Context –


TC0003: Dr Damian Spiteri – The road to intercultural education – Book review.


Multicultural education and its processes of intercultural engagement are considered by some as one of the main steps toward “integration” but there are many barriers that students, lecturers and society have to overcome in order to successfully tackle those obstacles (or even have the agenda made acceptable to significant parts of society).

Dr Damian Spiteri from the University of York is about to publish a book called ‘Multiculturalism, Higher Education and Intercultural Communication’.

Dr Spiteri met with Astehmari Batekun and explained the rationale behind his research which is grounded in his work with Black students from Africa who were asylum seekers and the local population of typically White European Maltese students. We had a very insightful reasoning on many critical issues and factors connected to the idea of intercultural multiculturalism.


Palgrave Macmillan publishes journals, monographs and reference books in print and online:

Multiculturalism, Higher Education and Intercultural Communication

TC0002: Launch event for Middlesex University Race Religion and Belief (MURRB) Forum (September 2016) – Keynote Speakers: Prof Gus John and associate guests.

SHOW:  The Context –



TC0002: Launch event for Middlesex University Race Religion and Belief (MURRB) Forum (September 2016) – Keynote Speakers Prof Gus John and associate guests.

We had the pleasure of witnessing the launch of Middlesex University Race Religion and Belief (MURRB) Forum on the 26th September 2016.  Dr Doirean Wilson (Chair – MURRB Forum) convened an insightful panel of key speakers, along side Prof Gus John there was Dr Angela Herbert MBE, and Pam Brown (Equalities Expert).

Tune into this podcast, hear the key note presentations and some of the after thoughts of the delegates.

Illuminating an institution’s strategic ways to face issues of race, religion and belief.




TC0001: ‘African Spirituality’? Justice and Racism with CSI Peter – Part 1

SHOW:  The Context –




TC0001: ‘African Spirituality’? Justice and Racism with CSI Peter – Part 1


This is the launch episode of The Context , a show for the exploration of social and political events respecting and opening up “the context”; systemic racism – local, national & global. With deeper knowledge we may replace racism with justice, if indeed that is the right thing to do.  Astehmari caught up with CSI Peter an independent “crime scene investigator” of racism.


We had a great reasoning on the importance of the Word, in particular we explored revising the term ‘African Spirituality’, the root meaning of the word justice and how racism connects to the flow.


We’re looking forward to Part 2, you will too !